Being honored to be invited to adjudicate for 5th KLDSA OPEN DANCESPORT CHAMPIONSHIP 2022.
SHALL WE DANCE STUDIO achieved good results for Latin solo girls to Standard Ballroom level.
Specially thank you to the KLDSA’s President and organizers for invitation. Not forgetting our hard work and dedicated coaches, Teacher Ivy and Teacher Cheah.
License A AdjudicatorsOur champions and finalists from SHALL WE DANCE STUDIOMy greatest honored to have taken such a beautiful picture with our Vice-President for Legal Affairs and General Secretary of Dancesport Asia (DSA), Also the Malaysia DanceSport Federation Deputy President, MR. JOHN FAM. adjudicator for 5th KLDSA Open DanceSport Championship 2022Certifications by Vice President of KLDSA, Mr. Chua Honorable speech from MYDF Deputy President, Mr. John Fam
13th Cebu Online Championship 17th to 19th September 2021(Friday to Sunday) 3 days online competitions.
It was honorable to be able to adjudicate such a great success and overwhelming 13th Cebu Open Online Championship.
Sincerely thank you to my friend Crisaldo Loloi Rendon , The organizers and Cebu DanceSport for the invitation.
I was excited to see SHALL WE DANCE STUDIO beloved students competing in this overwhelming online championship. It was the first time for most of them to participate for the online competition. They are battle with few countries eg: Phillipines, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia & Malaysia ..etc. Good work for their achievement. You all make Teacher IVY and Teacher Cheah proud. Our hard work and sweat counts. For those who did not make it do not give up. Treat it as an experience.
WongPui Li, Toh Zhi Yu, Ng Wan Qian and our little princess, Yap Jie Qian. Bravo to all:)